AI Robot, the precise doctor대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-08-31 15:27:42

As COVID-19 enters our lives, AI Robots have become widespread in almost every field. 'Goyang' has supported young people with the introduction of AI interaction. In this way, AI Robots check for positive or negative results in coronavirus.

It is very effective for AI robots to take over-testing. Testing for Coronavirus is dangerous for medical staff because if a confirmed patient coughs, a secondary infection can occur.

AI robots can fill the deficiency of medical staff. This can ease difficulties for the staff members.

Mainly, it can be helpful to medical staff that must wear heavy protective clothing and other things that cause inflammation of the skin, such as eczema.

Walklake is a company that invents AI robots that can check for coronavirus effectively.

They combined it with a high-performance processor cloud program, and it works even if power is cut off. The sales volume of its AI robots increased tenfold from February.

Russia, Spain, India, and Turkey have already put in orders. It is a good example of AI robot development. Also, an artificial intelligence robot has been developed in Egypt that can conduct a new type of COVID-19 diagnostic test.

▲ Photo of man being tested by AI robot

It is a robot that can collect samples from a person's mouth and nose using a cotton swab. Of course, Korea has made a COVID-19 inspection robot, too.

Seo Joon-ho, a researcher at the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials at the Daegu Convergence Technology Research Center, has developed a robot that can be controlled remotely. He said, “I want to help stop the spread of infectious diseases.”

As robots are introduced quickly, jobs for AI robots are growing. We may not see many overworked doctors.

Without this effort to get through the COVID-19 outbreak like this, it will be harder to contain the coronavirus. Also, there is no fear of infection among the medical staff, too.


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