The Korean Football League?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-17 15:30:00

▲ 사진출처 : 네이버 이미지

Have you heard about KFL? KFL stands for the Korean football league. The Korean football league is well-known to Koreans, but it is not known to some countries. However, the Korean football league is the league that has the most winning trophies at AFC Champions League which is the best match in Asia.

Korean Football League includes K League 1 and K League 2. In the K league, there are eleven citizen teams, ten corporate teams, and one military team. Moreover, K league has good matches in international competitions such as the AFC Champions League and FA Cup.

The Korean Football League first began with two pro teams and five amateur teams in 1984 in South Korea. The system of promotion and demotion was started in 2012. Because of the system, K league divided into two divisions: K League 1 and K League 2. K league 1 began in 1983, and K league 2 began in 2013.

Korean Football League is the best in Asia because it is the league that almost won the game among several countries in Asia, but it is not that famous in England. Seok Hyun-Jun, a soccer player, said that by engaging foreign soccer players, K league should enhance the quality of the game. Also, Korean soccer education should be modernized, increasing the ability of K league players. Many people believe KFL could utilize these ideas and could be more popular in foreign countries.


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