France‘s New Leader: Emmanuel Macron대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 01:46:41

    The French president election was held on April 23 and May 7, 2017. From the result of the first round, Emmanuel Macron of En Marche! and Le Pen of the National Front(FN) continued to the second round on May 7. From the result of the second round on May 7, Macron is elected. He is the youngest French president ever. However, he had never stood for election previously. Then, how can he be the new French president?
      There are some reasons why Emmanuel Macron became the eighth French president of the fifth French Republic. The first is, France's economic problem. Nowadays, France's young generation is going through a hard time because of economic problem, like unemployment. The unemployment rate in France is 10.1%. More that tree million people want to work, but they cannot get a job in their country. In this situation, people think that they need a young president who can understand their problem. Second, his new goverment emphasizes sewual equality. His team is made up of 11 women and 11 men. It has a good influence on gender equality in France labor market. The thirdis education policy. He said he would limit class size, and he will ban children's mobile phones at school. Fourth, he wants to make France as a world leader in green technology. Green technology is less destructive to the natural enviroment than any other kinds of technology. Not only for this reason, Macron can be the best leader of France. He also caught other countries attention. For this reason, He can be a diplomatic coup, too.
     Emmanuel Macron, the new French president, has promised work for everyone. Many young people want him to solve economic problem, and other problems related to education and forein relationship. he is only 39 now, and he had never stood for election previously. However, through his new poverment, he will show his competence to the world.

                                                                                                        2 June, Park Min-ji


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