Why is Taeyeon the Most Popular Solo Singer in South Korea for the Past ten - years?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-01 15:56:34

▲ 사진출처 : 구글이미지

Have you ever heard about Taeyeon? Taeyeon is a 32-year-old Korean woman who is currently the leader of Girls' Generation and is working as a solo artist. Taeyeon has also topped the list of female solo albums for the last ten years. This is her most outstanding achievement. Then, how did Taeyeon set a record of Number ones in album sales?

First, as mentioned earlier, Taeyeon is the best girl group leader in South Korea. Being selected as a leader in a group means that much effort and time has been invested. That is why Taeyeon was chosen as the leader, and she was able to achieve first place in album sales for ten years. 


Moreover, Taeyeon gained huge popularity by singing drama OSTs and is also called the queen of drama OST. Secondly, Taeyeon has a gentle personality and a positive mind. She has a challenging spirit and a positive mind that does not give up even if it is a difficult dream to achieve in reality. So, her countless efforts and the spirit of not giving up made her successful.

Many people hope that Taeyeon will continue to shine in K-pop in South Korea. There are many children who dream of becoming solo singers and become exemplary singers like Taeyeon. Furthermore, many people hope that Taeyeon will continue to shine in K-pop in South Korea. Can there ever be another Taeyeon? If you work hard, perfect your talents, and have a challenging spirit, maybe you will be the next Taeyeon.


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