K-Movies, Expanding to the World대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-01 15:58:28

▲ 사진출처 : 네이버이미지

Screening and being awarded a world-famous award are the most efficient tools to announce the country of the movie. Since the movie Parasite took the Palme d'Or award at the Cannes Film Festival, interest in Korean movies has raised. The number of Korean movie viewers has exceeded 20 million for six years. There are some Korean movies that succeeded very well. Among them, there are two Korean movies which had great success abroad.

The most famous Korean movie is "Parasite". It is a Korean black comedy family movie about the meeting of two families, the upper and lower classes. As mentioned, it took the Palme d'Or award at the Cannes Film Festival. It took four awards at the U.S. Academy Awards and other prizes. It is the first time that a Korean movie, which is "Parasite" took and academy award, and a foreign language film was awarded for the first time abroad. This means "Parasite" is the most popular Korean movie in 2019 in the U.S. This popularity made the movie's director produce a new version of the movie. The Black and white version and many people enjoyed that version. 

There is another Korean movie that succeeded abroad next to "Parasite". It is the movie titled "Peninsula". Why did the "Peninsula" succeed abroad? Though many people were not able to watch this movie at a movie theater due to COVID-19, about 3.5 million viewers watched it, and it earned about two billion dollars. Also, the "Peninsula" is the most popular movie in 2020 in the Asian Box Office. Because of the success of the movie, "Peninsula", it became a great opportunity for Korean movies to become more famous and popular even under the circumstance of the COVID-19 situation that makes worldwide movies business stop. So, the movies which will be released after the "Peninsula" are expected to be great by the people abroad. "Peninsula" was invited to the Cannes Film Festival. It is in the same universe and set four years after the movie "Train to Busan".

▲ 사진출처 : 네이버이미지

Like when Japanese cartoons were a success in the U.S., many Americans showed a great amount of interest in Japanese food and Japanese culture. Now, Korean 'jjapaguri' is famous in the U.S. because of "Parasite". Like this, Korean movies' success makes people have better understanding about Korean food, and more broadly Korean culture. Many Korean people say that they hope Korean movies become more popular. Then, many people will know about South Korea. Many Korean people hope that most Korean movies become world-popular and contribute to the development of South Korea's national interests.


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