The Ulsan Whale Festival in Namgu대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-07 12:36:10

Have you ever seen real whales or dolphins in the ocean? Many people will say, "No". It is because seeing a whale is a very uncommon event. At the Ulsan Whale Festival in Namgu, you can see a real whale in the ocean. It is held at Jangsaengpo Whale Museum in Namgu, Ulsan. It is held in September. Originally, it was celebrated in June, but because of COVID-19, it was postponed.

▲ It is the promotion of last year`s whale festival.

The Ulsan Whale Festival is very different from other festivals. You can see real whales if you buy a ticket for the whaleship. In the whale museum, you can learn information and the history of whales in Korea. Ulsan is the first city where whales were seen. The festival is held to show the children the whales that have been in Korea and to recall the adults with their childhood memory.

▲ It is the picture of the Whale Museum.

I interviewed my friend, Ji Hyuck, who went to the whale festival last year. He said that there were many places that he enjoyed, such as the water pool, slides, and monorail for the children. There was a big restaurant there which sold different types of food. Many famous singers came to the whale festival, and the mood was very nice. He said that the Ulsan Whale Festival is the best festival he has been to.

The Ulsan Whale Festival has a very long history. It was first held in 1995. This year is its 25th year. The festival received many awards, too. It was awarded as the most promising festival four times in a row. Also, was awarded as a community brand award from IEFA.

The Ulsan Whale Festival improves the community, economy, and vitalization of South Korea. Knowing about whales and having a good time with nature are the main purposes of the festival, you will be healthy by being close with nature.

By Kwon Seung Min


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