Coding- An Important Thing for the Future대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-16 12:59:20

These days, many people are interested in coding. Many people think that coding is complicated and hard. However, it is not. Barack Hussein Obama said, if we have some mathematics and science knowledge, we can use coding very easily. So, everyone can use coding very easily these days.

The definition of coding is it refers to the technology that implements one or more related abstract algorithms into specific computer programs using a specific programming language. It started in 1801, and the first programming language was made. Then, many people upgraded programming language. In earnest, in the 1940s to 2000s, experts developed programming languages. We use coding very often these days in many objects, so we need coding very much.

We can use coding to make games or applications. For example, we use coding in washing machines, cars, smartphones, and smart mirrors. There was once a huge coding wave in South Korea. Many students are interested in coding future jobs related to it. So, many companies are supporting education related to coding to make talented and educated people. Aramco Korea is trying to solve the software gap in education, so they selected a neglected class of people. Then, they are going to support them and give them coding education. According to Newdaily's reporter, Gyeongje-Seong Jaeyong, Aramco's CEO thinks coding is one of the essential things to improve their future. We can find many jobs that use codings such as game programmers, web programmers, and system programmers.

▲ It is coding education of other countries.

However, Korean coding education has a problem. As stated in an article, Korean coding education is still in its first step compared with the U.S., Europe, and China, which are very advanced when talking about this field.

Many schools educate students about coding nowadays for the future. Coding will be very useful in the future. So, many students have to study coding these days. If we study coding now, we can prepare and have our future jobs about coding.


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