The Two Sides of Artificial Intelligence Era대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-16 13:00:58

These days, people in the world are living in the era of artificial intelligence (AI). The case is not different from South Korea. Science is being developed constantly. We can see the product of the Fourth Industrial Revolution everywhere we go. People like AI because of its convenience. However, as AI becomes part of our everyday lives, we should do well to reflect on its upsides and downsides.

▲ Development Process of Industrial Revolution

In fact, AI is prevalent everywhere already, in our smartphones, laptops, and cars. In an interview with a person who uses artificial intelligence, he said that if there is no artificial intelligence in our life, we may be living our life really hard. It is because AI is so convenient to use. Based on this interview, using AI is really comfortable to use. Also, it can be automated like the Autonomous Mobile Robot, Self-Service Robot, and a refrigerator using IoT (Internet of Things). They are already used in South Korea. Moreover, AI can do optimum judgments than humans.

People like the AI era because of its many benefits in life. However, it can be a weapon which can harm the life of all human beings. A few years ago, HUBO which is an AI robot, was invented in South Korea. It can walk and talk, and it can do simple things that humans can do. If a robot that thinks and acts like a human is invented, our future will be confusing. Also, people will be losing their jobs because AI robots will do the work instead of humans. Moreover, people may use AI in the wrong way such as invading one's privacy and hacking.

▲ Image of Hubo

People are accustomed to living in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. AI is so convenient to use for a comfortable life because it is automated and can do optimum judgment. However, it can be also a risk element that can harm every human's life such as loss of jobs and misuse of AI.

By Sohn Ye Ji


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