The Soaring Popularity of Korean Ramen Worldwide대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-16 15:07:32

Many other countries are importing South Korea's foods and beverages. Japan, China, the United States of America, and Russia are the major countries that buy and eat South Korea's food. The lunch box ramen ranked ninth place in the list of best foods in South Korea that are popular in other countries. Russia and the United States of America are the two major countries that buy and eat South Korea's ramen.

▲ The lunch box ramen that is sold in Russia

As the coronavirus spreads to Russia, Russia's food supplies also decrease. A mayor there named Nebolin. mentioned the importance of lunch box ramen in the Russian food market and asked for more supplies for them. In Russia, 60 percent of ramen is the lunch box ramen of South Korea. In 1990, in Busan harbor, Russia's parallel traders first bought this kind of ramen. The rectangular-shaped container made those people eat the ramen easily in the boat. Until 2019, the cumulative sales of lunch box ramen surpassed 5.5 billion. This was seven times more than its sales in South Korea. In 2018, the annual sales of lunch box ramen surpassed 10 billion rubles wich were 2.1 billion rubles in 2005. The sales have grown by more than ten percent every year.

▲ The lunch box ramen that is sold in South Korea

Also, in the United States of America, people import and eat South Korea's ramen. 

According to an article, in 2018, Korean ramen accounted 15 percent in the American market. The purchasing agent of Betty Crocker said that people started to eat ramen as a meal, so the sales volume increased. The sales volume in the early phase was almost 12.50 thousand dollars.

There are a lot of countries that produce ramen in Asia. However, in Russia and in the United States of America, people eat South Korea's ramen more, not japan or China's ramen. There should be a reason why foreigners like South Korea's ramen more. South Korea's ramen will be more developed, and other countries will import it continuously.


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