A Prospect Career, Biological Information Analyst대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-16 15:11:32

Nowadays, the bio-industry including gene and drug is an issue in South Korea. Most universities have a department of life science, and also some companies. Socially, the jobs that are related to the bio-industry are going to grow quickly with the rise of the population of old people. According to the Korea Institute of Industrial Marketing, the size of the bio-industry market has been increasing to 4.72 percent for five years. Thus, a biological information analyst is one of the jobs needed in the bio-industry.

▲ askabiologist.asu.edu

To begin with, a biological information analyst is a job that collects biological information that comes from proteins, cells, and organs of human beings in order to make data. Also, a biological information analyst organizes, analyzes, and compares the gathered information. He remakes the organized data and forwards them to the researchers. To be a biological information analyst, having aptitude and interest is important. Also, one should have knowledge about biology and experience in conducting scientific experiments. Also, he should have an interest in science like biology or chemistry. Moreover, he should have the determination to finish a task.

To be a biological information analyst, one should have various academic skills from using tools to collecting data. Also, he should know how to analyze biological information through mathematical and statistical means. Many biological information analysts work in a university and in a government research institute. Also, they can work in a company that develops bio-energy. In South Korea, their goal is to have sustainable development. Also, the number of people who want to live healthily is increasing, too. So, this job's demand will increase constantly.

▲ edugin.co.kr

Biological information analyst is a promising career in South Korea because of the rising number of bio-industries. Biotechnological researcher, Kim Nam Sin, stated that the demand for life science is increasing steadily. To analyze data, society needs many biological information analysts. Thus, this field will develop continuously in the future.

By Namin Kim


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