A Well-known K-Pop Group Around the World and Loved by Many People, BTS 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-22 11:17:36

BTS is a boy group in South Korea. BTS is Bang Tan Soyeondan. It consists of seven members namely RM, JIN, SUGA, J-HOPE, JIMIN, V, and JUNGKOOK. Although they are normal people, they become the most famous idol group in South Korea. They debuted in 2013. At that time, they were not loved by many people yet. "But", they made an effort to communicate with the people, so they became famous. More and more people love BTS. Now, BTS is one of the famous figures in the world. BTS fans' name is Army.

BTS' songs and their dance moves have made them be famous. As compared with the other groups, BTS is better when it comes to dance and performances. They always communicate with people, and they work hard to show great performances. BTS gets more love all around the world. people call them as 21st century "The Beatles" BTS used to make their album with a famous producer, but as they get more and more popular in the world, they have their own idea to make their new album, which means they are hardworking for their songs and dance moves. They make a big hit with the song "Boy with luv," Dynamite," Spring Day" and more.

▲ the picture of billboard chart

BTS has influenced South Korea in many ways. First, BTS represented South Korea in the world and have made South Korea's image better. Since many BTS fans visit South Korea, domestic income increased gradually. BTS earns much money from their great performances. "And", BTS fans buy goods of BTS, so it helps South Korea to develop, Some people said that they first knew South Korea because of BTS. When BTS won the billboard chart, it was recorded as the first Korean awardee.

▲ the picture of BTS

BTS is well-known in the world, and it helps South Korea to develop. Their hard work has made them famous, and it has helped South Korea, so BTS is considered as a treasure of South Korea. Everyone cheers up for the BTS, so their fandom is growing now.


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