Ulsan Pottery Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-22 11:32:25

Did you enjoy your local festival this year? Maybe, you did not enjoy it. It is because most of the festivals delayed or canceled because of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. In Ulsan, there are many cancellations of festivals. However, Ulsan Pottery Festival will still be held despite the quarantine.

▲ It is a photo zone that people can take pictures.

Ulsan Pottery Festival will be held on November 6 to 15. It was planned to be held in May, but it was postponed to November because of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. This festival will be at Ongosan Onggi Village, Onyang-eup, and Ulju-gun. Ulsan is South Korea's largest onggi collection area. Also, the Ulju Country Governor said that the crisis is an opportunity. The festival will stand out as a new type of festival, and they will work hard not to spread the virus. So, people who do not wear a mask cannot join the festival.

Next, there will be a lot of interesting activities at the Ulsan Pottery Festival. The activities include onggi making, onggi selling, onggi drawing, onggi kimchi making, onggi tea ceremony, and mud water wrestling, and all these will be done in ten days. Moreover, we can learn and experience the beauty of pottery. There will be seven master craftsmen, and they will show their skills. Also, Park Si-eun, who came to this festival last year said that he was bored with pottery, but making pots and learning its history were enjoyable. She also said that she wants to come to this festival next year.

With this information, there are a lot of interesting activities at the festival. If you take part in the festival, you can learn and make pottery products, and you will be interested in it. So, come and enjoy this festival while wearing a mask.

By Park So-yoon


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