기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 02:17:22

Go trip

Fair trip





It is also a " fair trade, " which is a concept derived from fair trade by producers and consumers alike. It has been promoted in Europe, including Europe, Europe and the United States in the 2000s, when it comes to the realization of environmental pollution, destruction of civilization, and the hardships of the people in difficult countries. While the tourism industry grows 10 percent each year, most of the profits from the tours are attributable to multinational corporations, which are used by locals to buy local food and buy food locally. A fair trip is not a strict regulation or a specific travel destination, but rather a way of traveling and culture. Indeed, there is a difference in the meaning and principles of fair travel according to corporate and organizational entities, and there is a difference in the journey of the traveler's itinerary. Below is the ‘ Process for Schedule Travel Planning in the 'travelers map'. First of all, the local people pay the wages of the local people to operate the local economy, and pay the wages of the local workforce to labor. Second, use public transportation or foot travel programs to minimize environmental impact and utilize local eco - tours program. Travelers suggest disposable, excessive use of water, and restraint of waste. Third, we provide advance information about places for respecting tourism and preservation, providing opportunities for local food and living places, or interacting with local people.


Respect for the interests of travels areas and tourism

Fair profits make direct profits directly to residents based on a profit structure based on local communities. In the meantime, the locals can communicate directly with travelers and form a mutually satisfying relationship, such as providing useful information only to residents. Process tours contribute to their economic activities by sleeping in a lodging facility operated by locals, purchasing their products, and tasting local foods they cook.

Conservation of the Environments of the Traveling Area, Ecological Tourism

Process travel protects the environment of travel by minimizing carbon emissions. Tourists should enjoy traveling in the tourist areas to avoid damaging the tourist attractions for a long time. Process tours provide an alternative way for travelers to eliminate or minimize risk factors that could damage the environment's environment. It also protects the activities of individuals, such as protecting the local rules for protecting the wild animals, refraining from using disposable materials while traveling, and using a minimal amount of resources such as lodging and restaurants. These process tours ensure that you maintain the exact nature of your journey.

A beautiful tourist attraction to the descendants of a beautiful tourist

Not only our generation, but also our own travel rights, we have the right to travel, and we need to do the work of both traveler and community alike. Visitors to the region should be able to highlight local cultural assets or natural surroundings. Local residents should also refrain from developing reckless development and develop tourism resources that cater to regional characteristics.

Take care of the beautiful surroundings of the destination, Eco tour.

Eco tour refers to the travel culture that focuses on ‘ eco travel ’.The development of the travel industry contributed to the reckless development of tourism and the destruction of environmental pollution caused by the use of disposable products. As the result of this increase in natural destruction, the concept of traveling to the environment to minimize the adverse effects of travel to the environment is an eco tour.


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