기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-22 12:17:25

Nowadays, if you watch the news, you can easily see reports about COVID-19. The world is suffering from COVID-19. Now, hundreds of thousands of infectees are being diagnosed. Because of this terrible news, people are not free to spend their time doing anything they want.

▲ It is the shape of COVID-19 virus.

First of all, COVID-19 started in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Now, many scientists guess that COVID-19 occurred because Wuhan citizens traded animals illegally, or a Wuhan laboratory leaked the viruses mistakenly. There are some symptoms of COVID-19. If you are infected with the virus, you may have a high fever and a heavy cough. Also, you may have difficulty breathing and pneumonia.

This is the process of COVID-19's spread in South Korea. First, a Korean cult religion New World's believer entered South Korea with the virus from Wuhan. Then, she went to Daegu, particularly in the New World church. So, the virus spread to different cities in the whole country. After that, many infectees have discovered every day. While the spread was calming down, some important events were celebrated. For example, last May, many young people went to a club in Itaewon. So, there, may people got infected. Also, normal churches and their believers had worship in the face-to-face method.

▲ She is the head of Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Although there was the government's requirement of suspension, they still continued to do it. So, the number of infected is increasing. Then, many Korean doctors are going on a strike, The reason is that they protested the medical workplace reform plan of the government as the country grapples with the resurgence of COVID-19 cases. It only shows that the conflict between the government and the medical doctor is becoming worse.

Despite the increasing number of infectees, there are some precautionary ways. First, you should wash your hands when you come back home after going out. Also, you should wear a mask when you go out and go to a crowded place. Then, if you have COVID-19 symptoms, you must do self-isolation and immediately call the local health center or 1339.

by Gwack Yuchan


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