Career Experience Program 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-22 12:45:41
  • 수정 2020-09-22 12:45:55

▲ It is the picture of students that are doing career experience activities.

Teenagers need lots of experiences, and schools are working on many programs to promote their experiences. Munsu Middle School in Ulsan, South Korea had a career experience program on the 4th of August. This program took place in the classroom, and it took two hours. Sophomores participated in the program. Each career instructor taught students about their ideal career. The purpose of this career experience program is to give information about some promising jobs and what are needs to have them. Also, it gives a chance for students to experience the job they want through many activities. Through this program, students can think about their plans and what to do in order to achieve their future jobs.

▲ Nowadays, due to COVID-19, we can do career experience activities in on-line.

The career experience program in Munsu Middle School started with the introduction of career instructors. The instructors introduced their job and shared their experiences and what they did to have that job. Lastly, the instructor gives chances to all participants to join lots of activities.

To know about the students' opinions about the career experience program, I interviewed one student named Wang Jiho. He said that he attended the animal therapy activity. I took part in the activity where he and other students gave some snacks to the therapy dogs. Moreover, they attended activities like hearing the heartbeat of animals or hugging therapy dogs. Lastly, he added that he liked the program so much because he can think about his future job, and it helped him a lot.

Also, about the quality of the career experience program, 95 percent of students said that it was good, and it helped them a lot. However, five percent of the students said that it was a little bit boring. As a result, most students were interested in the program, and they participated in the program so actively.

In conclusion, lots of students get more interested in their future jobs through the career experience program. On average, this program is a great opportunity for students to deeply think about how to achieve their dream jobs in the future.

by Tae Heon Kim


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