AI Assisstance, Supersede Human by Machine대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 02:27:11

    Have you seen the movie titled, "Iron Man"? If you have seen it, there is and AI assistant in the movie named, "Jarvis". It gave help to build new super armors, and it helped to save Stark when he was dying. Many people think that this technology is just movies. They believe that they may only see this in the future. However, you can already see AI assistants right now, even in your smartphone.
     On May 12, 2017, one of the biggest Korean websites, Naver, launched a new AI assistant application called "Clova". It is based on the Naver database, and people can connect it with their personal hardware devices. Some have predicted that many people will use this because every smartphone can use this service.

     However, Clova is not the first AI assistant, as you know. Two of the biggest AI's are Siri and Bixby. Bixby is the younger AI assistant because it was launched just a few weeks ago. Siri was launched more than two years ago. There are common features on these two AI assistance services. First, they "learn". Siri, for example, can learn what the user says. So, it can suggest what the user will want to do next time. On the other hand, Bixby learns every picture on the Internet, so it can find pictures or products which was searched by the user. Second, they can understand the human language. Computers can only understand binary numerals, but AI's can understnad analogue, or human language. Many other major companys, such as Google, Amazon, and Kakao are developing or have already developed their own AI.
     An AI can be dangerous, but it can also be very advantageous. Now, many companies complete with each other in developing the best AI known to Man. I believe that our world, in the future wll be shaped like a science fiction movie.
                                                                                                                  By. Jin Ho, Choi


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