My Dream Job Presentation대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-02 14:06:06

Nowadays, there are severe youth employment difficulties. Not only because youths do not have their accurate dream but also because their education leans on passing the national college entrance exam. In order for them to survive in society, they should plan their future by themselves. So, in Gangnam Middle School, there is a contest which is called "My Dream Job Presentation."

▲ Finding a job is hard for youths these days.

"My Dream Job Presentation" is a presentation held in September about students' dream jobs and future plans. It can make students know what they like and what they want to do in the future. Through this presentation, the students can plan their concrete future by themselves. Then, they present their later years as well as their near future such as their high school and university.

All students in Gangnam Middle School should participate in this presentation's preliminary round. They write their future dream job, and then, teachers will choose students who wrote about their future dream meticulously. The chosen students can participate in the final round of the contest, My Dream Job Presentation. They usually prepare materials for the presentation such as a PPT or a UCC. The final round is held in the school auditorium. All students and teachers watch the presentation. However, this year, it is scheduled that the finals will be held in a broadcasting room due to COVID-19.

Through this presentation, students can have an opportunity to plan for their future by themselves. One of the students talks about the presentation. He said that he decided on his dream by preparing and joining in the competition. It is a very helpful presentation to know oneself. Also, it gives students self-confidence. According to a study, a successful person in his or her field has the features of planning for the future early. To plan for their future makes students study efficiently. They will have a clearer dream of what they really want to do, so they can make better efforts to make their dream come true than others who do not have any plan.

There is a famous expression that goes. "Effort does not betray." Like this expression, people should think about their future plans and dream jobs and endeavor anything to make their dream come true.

by Minji Cho


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