A Career Project Only for Teenagers대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-28 14:36:09

Most teenage students have their various worried. Especially, middle school and high school students are worried about their carer and dream. So, there is a project for students who care about their career and dream, and it is called the "Dream Presentation Project" in Ulsan Gangname Middle School.

▲ Students speech with their PPT

"Dream Presentation Project" is only for students who have worries about their careers. Actually, most of them do not have their own dream yet. So, school administrators and teachers help them to find their dream. This project is a kind of competition because it demands a perfect presentation and great communication skills. This being so, students who are eloquent will be favorable in the competition. Also, there are winners in the preliminary and final competitions.

As stated above, this project has two stages, preliminary competition, and final competition is first, all students have to participate in the preliminary competition because teachers would like to give the opportunity to all students fairly. Second, all students make their own presentation and speech and show them to the jurors. After that, the jurors will select is winners. Third, the winners prepare for the final competition. They amend their presentation and keep practicing to show to all students. Lastly, they do their presentation and speech on the stage, and the jurors will choose the first, second, and third winners. The jurors are the school principal, psychology teacher, career teacher, and more.

▲ Students who listen to the presentation concentrate

There are several students' reactions to these projects, both and negative. The students who think positively said it is really good for them as it helps them find their dream, and they can enhance their communication skills. On the other hand, the students who think negatively said that it is a semi-forced project because all students have to participate in the preliminary competition.

Despite the negative opinions, the reason why this project is held every year is that majority of the students have found their dream after doing this project. "Dream Presentation Project" helps students to find their dream as it requires communication between the students and the teachers. Equally important, most of the participants gain fluent communication skills.

By Seo Hyeon Park


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