Hydrogen Energy대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-28 14:52:21

Recently many countries including South Korea suffered from strong typhoons. Strong typhoons came continuously in South Korea, so many people shivered with fear. Many experts insisted that these consecutive and strong typhoons are caused by global warming, alternative energy is attracting attention. One of them is hydrogen energy. Hydrogen energy can be used in many fields, so many companies and countries are focusing on hydrogen. 

Hydrogen energy has many advantages. Hydrogen has a low possibility of depletion since it is contained in water. Water is abundant in the sea. In 1 kg of seawater, there is 108 kg of hydrogen. Also, it does no emit environmental contaminants that cause global warming. That is why this energy is called eco-friendly energy. The storage of hydrogen is easy in the condition of liquid or solid. Having nominal losses when transporting is beneficial at long-distance distribution. 


There is one campaign that Hyundai started this month. It is called H2U, Hydrogen To You. This campaign is for getting the leadership of hydrogen energy and preoccupying innovative imaging. They are planning to continue this campaign until August 2021. Meanwhile, the Hyundai car, NEXO is the best selling among all of the fuel cell cars all around the world. Cooperating with Hyundai, KOGAS is trying to improve technology related to hydrogen. So, they are planning to start low carbon and environmentally friendly hydrogen business.

▲ hydrogen-powered house

Like this, hydrogen is the energy that many companies and nations are showing interest in. In Hwaseong, South Korea, there is a hydrogen-powered house. This place is for the citizen to provide chances to experience hydrogen energy. Everyone can enjoy freely, so it can be a good chance to learn about future hydrogen-powered society.

Sep. 20, 2020

by Kim Yerin


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