A Job about Giving People Information대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-10-05 16:42:15

▲ 사진출처 : 한국민족문화대백과
People always know what events happened on a certain day by reading an article or watching the news. A job that gathers news stories about these events and even arguments is a journalist. A journalist works anywhere and anytime to gather information about interesting events.

If you want to be a journalist, you have to study hard to enter a university which has a department of communication. Some examples of, universities that are famous for their press departments are Seoul National University, Yonsei University, and Chung-ang University. Fortunately, having a license and training are not needed for you to be a journalist. However, the examination for applying to big journalism companies is very difficult, so you have to study very hard and must know about different current affairs to pass the examination. The annual salary of a journalist is about 39 million won. However, journalism companies do not hire many people so only a few people will be selected for the interview.

▲ 사진출처 : 네이버 어린이 사전
Journalists carry out crucial tasks of our society, such as delivering truth to people. For example, journalists may tell people that a public person has committed a crime and then people can know that person's faults. People can also know what natural disasters will happen and what happened by reading articles or watching the news. So journalists have to write an article based on facts. Journalists' articles contain certain opinions and these opinions can encourage public sentiment. Basically, articles have the power to change the world. So, 'Honesty' and 'Responsibility' are the most important virtues for journalists. Otherwise, the public could be confused by the wrong information and that could cause serious social problems.

People who have good communication are people who are good at writing and reading. Sometimes, they have to cover events to announce to people things that other people tell you not to cover. Though you can be at risk by covering these events, you have to cover them. Because of this, people who are just and can sacrifice a lot have the most important skills to be journalists. Also, being a journalist needs courage, too. Many journalists say that gathering news stories is quite hard, but if you like learning new information you will be fascinated by this job.


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