Becoming School Teachers대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-10-13 17:08:24
  • 수정 2020-10-13 17:08:25

Because of COVID-19, many teachers worry about the educational gap and reduced school attendance. Therefore, many schools turn face-to-face classes into non-face-to-face classes. These days, the teachers and the students narrow their relationship because of the non-face-to-face class brought by the pandemic. Teaching is a job in which one is required to have many skills and a command of the language for smooth progress in the classes and also works in a complex and systematic environment.

▲ A teacher progressing school class in Online because of COVID-19

A Humanities secondary school teacher teaches humanities to students according to the curriculum in national, public, and private secondary schools. Then, if you are an English teacher, you should teach the students English according to the curriculum. Not only teachers impart knowledge but also act as a guide to establish a sense of value to the students especially those who are in the stage of adolescence. Moreover, the teachers design a study plan for their own subject, considering the school's educational plans and completing the classes. Also, they progress school class using a variety of books like audiovisual documentation and other textbooks. They consult their students' various worries and counsel them with their parents. Doing these works, teachers feel tired and exhausted every day.

▲ An English teacher teaching English to his students

If everyone gets a job, he or she has a requirement to maintain the job. Like this, the teachers also have a requirement. First, they need many skills such as class management, leadership, judgment, and analytical skills. Second, they need a command of the language for smooth progress in the classes. Lastly, teaching and guiding students are the most important works for the teachers. So, they need a strong sense of mission and responsibility as an educator. Moreover, they are required to have passion and affection for education and towards their students.

By Kim Seojin


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