Meat Free Monday대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-02 21:41:39

▲ Climate change

Climate Crisis is one of the biggest problems around the world. Actually, we are more familiar with the word, “Global warming”. However, the English media, Guardian stated that we should use the word, “Climate Crisis” or “Global heating” instead of Global warming or climate change since it sounds polite and passive.

▲ melting ice sheet

Because of the climate crisis, the Earth temperature raised 1.13 degrees Celsius since the 19th century. As a result of it, Ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctic are shrinking in mass. According to NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, the ice sheets in Greenland was gone an average of 279 billion per year between 1993 and 2019. As ice sheets melt, the sea level is rising.

▲ Meat Free Monday

As one of the solutions for climate change, the Ulsan Metropolitan Office of Education promoted Meat Free Monday to schools in Ulsan. It started since Paul McCartney, who was one of the members of The Beatles mentioned Meat Free Monday in the Climate Change Convention in 2009. It spread around the world as a protection of the environmental movement. The reason why the Ulsan Metropolitan Office of Education carried out this promotion is to protect the Earth. The consumption of meat is increasing every year. The consumption of pork per person was approximately 2.6 kg in 1970 but it increased to 25.2 kg in 2018. Above all, to produce 1 kg of beef, 36.4 kg of carbon dioxide, and 15,500 L of water, which is 73 times more than tomatoes, is needed. With 36.4 kg of carbon dioxide, we can drive a car for 250 km or light a bulb for 20 days.

Recently, extreme climate events are happening in many countries. Some of them are facing intense rainfall and typhoons and others are struggling in hot weather. How about starting activities to protect the Earth? You don’t have to think about it difficult. Just start by participating in Meat Free Monday and consume less meat and be efficient.

Oct 29, 2020
by Kim Yerin


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