October 25 is ‘Dokdo Day‘대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-03 15:02:07

October 25 is Dokdo Day. King Gojong on October 25, 1900, as specified at the mechanism of Ulleungdo to Dokdo islands in the Imperial edict No. 41 established in order to celebrate the day. Specify the Dokdo a guardian in 2000, private organizations, Dokdo Day, and start collecting signatures for the enactment date since 2005. Dokdo Day on August 27, 2008, for the legislation of the bill was submitted to the National Assembly, and 16 cities and provincial in 2010 Korean Federation of Teachers' Associations. The teachers union, South Korea Education Research, the Korea Youth Association, history is cooperating with the subject of Dokdo to Dokdo Day of the nation to mark the 100th anniversary of the same year, declared. Dokdo Day that Dokdo is designated the territory of the Republic of Korea is the Dokdo powerful and protection will to show the world. 

▲ October 25th is Dokdo Day. King Gojong specified Ulleungdo to Dokdo islands.

Dokdo is Korean territory without evidence is lost, count of many. First, or a history of the various documents such as the Sejong Geography Book which conquered Dokdo is our country or also provides information about the street. In 1877, as well as Japan's top state agencies (Taejeonggwan) to Ulleungdo and Dokdo are the official document of the content that they are not Japanese territory. Since 1900 of Emperor Gojong on October 25th, Dokdo and Ulleungdo to Dokdo through the edict No. 41 of the parts specified by the island is our land, said sure.

▲ There are many evidences that Dokdo is Korean territory.

There is a record of history that can not argue that, repeating claims to sovereignty over Dokdo and Japan. Dokdo is Japanese territory in Japanese textbooks, countries claiming sovereignty over a posting on its website and includes a very distorted picture of the example. In 1953, against the Dokdo defense organization ‘Dokdo a volunteer guard.’ has been established. Private, which voted to protect Dokdo. Ulleung-gun in 1956, after the police station, Dokdo garrison unit of Dokdo a volunteer guard takes over the responsibilities of guarding Dokdo a day and night so far. Although our own Dokdo, Dokdo is a volunteer guard, at least we can't play the role of Dokdo a part of Korea recognized in studying the reasons for him. I think it is important to know.

▲ We have to know Dokdo is clearly our territory and study why Dokdo is our territory.

Oct 25th, 2020

by Pyo Seung Hui


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