Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Passed Away on October 25th대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-03 15:06:22

▲ Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Kun-hee

On October 25th morning, Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Kun-hee passed away at the age of 78 at Seoul Samsung Hospital in Ilwon-dong, Seoul. He was born in 1942, and the deceased died after six years of fighting against the disease since he was hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction on May 10, 2014.

Chairman Lee made a new era in South Korea's economy and industry. His father made Samsung Group, the best corporation in our country, and he made it a global corporation. Especially, he made a big growth at Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. among Samsung Group. Samsung Electronics has had huge technologies from a smartphone, a TV, a semiconductor, and many other electronic goods. That is because they were conducted by Chairman Lee's main leadership.

▲ Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd

Chairman Lee also made many sayings. He is famous for emphasizing a crisis. At the Frankfurt Declaration on June 17th, 1993, he said "Change everything except your wife and children." Like this, he had pursued "innovation" over and over again in the Korean industry. Through such a business philosophy, Samsung could defeat many crises and became a brilliant corporation.

Although Samsung had some crimes occasionally, it must be a tremendous corporation that has been developing in the Korean industry. All Koreans know that Chairman Lee triggered a real innovation in our country with leading to make excellent and comfortable goods or services for citizens. So, plenty of people are offering their condolences to Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee, feeling regrettable and sorrowful about one huge star in South Korea has fallen.

October 25th, 2020

by Kim Hyeon


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