Is It Okay to Get Vaccine? 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-03 15:10:17

After October 16th, when the first death was found, the number of deaths is constantly increasing because of the government's free vaccine program since September 8th for children and October 13th for senior citizens.

▲ Deaths are continuously increasing due to vaccines

The government announced that they would carry out free flue shots program because of COVID-19 and welfare expansion for specific people. The government demonstrated that they would start the program from September 8th for infants who are six months to students aged 18, and from October 13th for senior citizens.

▲ Free flu shots program supported by the government

Despite the program, the number of deaths is continuously increasing because of vaccines. After October 16th, when the 17-year-old first dead person was found in Incheon, the deaths have been discovered consistently. The amount of deaths is 48, to date, increasing by 12 comparing to yesterday. Among deaths, people over seventy were highest while people under sixty were lowest. In addition, the report of side effects (fever, vomit) after vaccines has been increasing to 1150 people.

▲ Health Authorities announced that there was no link found between vaccines and deaths.

According to Health Authorities, they will continue a free flue shots program because there was no link found between vaccines and death after the autopsy. The authorities and police are determined that the deaths died because of other diseases like heart diseases. The authorities demonstrated that they would work with experts to find out the cause of deaths. As the following flu season would be expected to delay comparing to last year, they advised that people should take vaccines stable because more deaths can be caused by flu. Also, they suggested people tell the medical team their allergy, and wait in the hospital for 15 to 30 minutes to check any side effects.

Oct. 25th, by Kwak Chae Hyeon


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