Is It Good to Introduce High School Credit System?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-03 15:14:50

Have you ever heard about the high school credit system? Through this system, students can select the subjects in which they want to participate in. Also, if they achieve enough attendance, they can be promoted to the next grade. The Ministry of Education plans to introduce this system in 2025. However, students and teachers reject this.

▲ High school credit system will be introduced in 2025.

First, students complained that only the lesson methods change. In fact, the purpose of the system is to raise the characteristics and talent of students. So, the entrance examination system and relative evaluation do not change. Because of it, students prefer to have classes that have more students. However, the high school credit system can help students to get a good evaluation in participating in a class that has fewer students.

▲ The Department of Education announced the fact about high school credit system.

Second, teachers mentioned that there is no improvement in the college entrance system. They can think that the college entrance system does not change, so they consider that they do not have to change the current high school system, too. Another reason is that some students cannot decide immediately what to take in college. In high school, students find their dream by studying. However, if the system is introduced, they should select the subjects without knowing what they want to do and enjoy. To solve these problems, teachers said that there is a need to change the Korean scholastic Aptitude Test into an absolute test. Then, students can select without anxiety and participate in classes freely.

▲ The people discussed about high school credit system.

As we see, the introduction of a high school credit system may be rejected by both students and teachers. However, if the Ministry of Education solves the problems which students and teachers complained about, the high school credit system will be a good way for students to participate in classes freely.

By Yoo Seung Hun

October 25th, 2020


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