Designing houses with happiness대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 02:54:50

The job as an architect is not highly preferred among parents and students. Yet, everyone hopes to live in a safe and warm house.


“To make warm and comfortable house and include happiness in it. That is my conviction” said In Sang-hwi, a veteran architect.


In is an architect in charge of the design of the building and the administration of each construction. He had passed the architect qualifying examination and obtained license from Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. He is since working as an architect.


Part of his job is to plan and design how to build a building, which includes the development of a floor plan before the construction.

According to In, architects have huge responsibility regarding their occupation.


“Architect is a job that demands an understanding for aesthetic beauty. We must be able to reach towards creativity and be able to incorporate ingenuine aspects for the designs that we do. In addition, Architects must also consider and determine aspects such as the life of the prospective users, their lifestyle as well as the safety of the area.”


Despite such a heavy responsibility, there still is bright side of working as an architect.


“We have chances to learn about many popular architecture around the world and actually visit them,” he said. “Besides this, architects have a lot of benefits that they can cherish.”


He thinks that the future of the architects will be more beneficial than it is now.


“Though it is not a popular job now, there will be more architects in the future,” he said with hope.


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