The Effects of Nitrogen Dioxide on Earth대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-10 14:52:22

Most people know that global warming is a big issue on Earth. Scientists said that global warming became a serious problem nowadays. After watching this news, many people realized that global warming is getting worse. However, we do not know exactly how global warming is formed, why we should avoid this, and what we can do to protect our Earth.

▲ nitrogen dioxide levels

In 2019, our lives were entirely changed by a contagious virus, the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. All of us must wear masks and avoid going to public places. These are the negative effects of the virus, but there are good effects that the virus gave to us. South Korea recorded a decline of 25 percent of airborne nitrogen dioxide levels between January and May compared to the previous years. China also recorded a decline of 41.7 percent of airborne nitrogen dioxide levels. These numerical plural referents that the excessive operation of factories was the cause of high nitrogen dioxide levels.

▲ the sky color nowadays

Nitrogen dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases. These gases are the main cause of global warming. If we continue to emit these greenhouse gases and prompt global warming, the Earth will not be healthy. for instance, the sea level will rise, and we could experience climate change. The California fire that happened lately, was one of the effects of climate change. Scientists expected that the Earth will be in an unimaginably poor condition in the near future.

Then, what can we do to protect our Earth? Because global warming is mostly caused by humans, we should change and protect our planet. First of all, we should reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. We can ride bicycles or use public transportation instead of using our own car. Also, we should avoid using disposable products because burning disposable products causes a lot of greenhouse gases. We must not forget that our small actions can protect the whole Earth.

by Na Young Kim

November 7th, 2020


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