Onggi Festival in the Town of Ulsan, South Korea 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-10 14:54:17

Kimchi is the representative food of Korean traditional food. One of the traditional processes to make kimchi is to put it in the Korean pottery called Onggi. It makes kimchi fermented. In Ulsan, there is Onggi Festival in which we can make Onggi and experience various things. It is held in Onggi Village, Degosan Mountain, Eulju-gun. The duration of Onggi Festival is from October 15 to 18. There is a multilingual website for it. for foreigners, so you can get more information about it on this site.

At Onggi Festival, people can make their own onggi themselves. Also, people can learn how to make fermented foods by using it. Actually, in South Korea, there are lots of fermented traditional foods. So, joining this festival will help people to know many kinds of Korean traditional food. You can play Korean traditional games. You can play Korean folk games, too. In addition, onggi auction is held and you can enjoy onggi exhibition.

It is made from clay which is dried under the sun or baked in a Korean oven. The technique in making onggi is a crucial factor to make it the best pottery.

Onggi is traditional Korean earthenware pottery. It is used for the storage of staple items in the Korean diet such as kimchi, pickled vegetables, and soy sauce. Its air permeability is excellent, so t can keep foods fresh for a long time. Also, all materials of onggi are from nature, so it is not harmful to our body because of these facts about onggi, many foreigners come to South Korea to enjoy the Onggi Festival.

For Ulsan, Onggi Festival is an important event. Onggi has the wisdom of our ancestors so we are trying to keep it and preserve. The festival started off small to strive for preserved onggi. but, now, it has become a global event. It helps people to enjoy and various experiences. We are very proud of it as it makes many people happy.


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