COVID-19 : Changing Trend of Banking대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-10 15:15:25

The amount of non-face-to-face bank account opening in the first half of this year is 1,044,839. COVID-19 is transmitted through infectious droplets. To prevent contagion, avoiding individual touch is important. Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends staying at home and minimize the use of public facilities such as schools, banks, grocery stores, and many others. It is a trend these days to use online service not only for education at home but also for banking. Also, most banks promote the use of online banking service through advertisements which introduce their advantages.

According to the article of The Korea Industry Daily, the recent necessity of the Philippines' online banking has increased because of the COVID-19 situation and inefficient banking service. Although the Republic of the Philippines is slow to the introduction of online banking services relatively compared with the number of smartphone users, the digital transactions of BPI and Union Bank during Week 2 of March 2020 as compared with the corresponding period of last year increased 1,000 times.

Remitting and paying are much easier and quicker when we use online banking services because we do not need to visit bank windows onerously. There are people thinking of it in a convenient way. However, not all of them. The sexagenarian, septuagenarian, and elderly have many troubles using online banking services. This fact means the mobile vulnerable social group is rising.

Using an online banking service at the time of COVID-19 is an appropriate measure. However, some solutions like having free education for a mobile disadvantaged class that has difficulties using online financial services should be prepared.

By Yuna Kim


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