Continuous Deaths After Vaccine Injections대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-17 09:23:16

Death cases reported after injecting influenza virus vaccines has increased to 83 people until now. Then, 46 out of 83 people are males, and the other 37 people are females. By age, victims in the 70s are 37 people, over 80s are 34 people, under 60s are eight people, and victims in the 60s are four people. The senior civilians over their 70s were 71 people in total, accounting for 85.5 percent of the total death cases. 

Despite the cases reported, the Korean local health authority denied the accusations made between the links of death and influenza vaccines, stating that after investigating death cases, the relevance of the death and vaccine injection turned out to be 'very low'. However, the safety of the vaccines distributed through the general public cannot be ensured even by the local doctors, due to the fact that some vaccines were exposed to room temperature, and white particles were found in some vaccines.

The goal for influenza vaccine injection for the general public is to minimize the health-related problems, possibly even death, caused by the influenza virus. However, because of the continuously climbing death report after injecting the influenza vaccine, the distrust towards the government and the local health authority is rising up, causing the relation of faith between the local health authority and the general public to deteriorate. To stop this from happening, the government should stop the process of distributing vaccines and search the basis of the problem from scratch.

By Minsu Chung


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