The Tragic Death of Park Ji-sun대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-17 09:31:01

There was sad news in South Korea lately. A comedian named Park Ji-sun was found dead on November 2nd. She was found with his mother who was already dead, too. They were living together in Mapo-gu, Seoul. Let us find out who Park Ji-sun is and how incidents happened.

On Park Ji-sun's school days, she was always at the top of the school. She was called a model student to everyone. As she studied hard, she entered Korea University which is a famous university in South Korea. While she was in school, she thought about what she really liked. After thinking, she realized that she liked making people laugh and took an exam. Eventually, she debuted as a comedian at KBS, a broadcasting station in 2007. As a comedian, she gave lots of laughs and fun on TV programs. Also, she gave hope to many people. Some people said that she was very ugly, but she thought that she was not ugly but unique. This thinking sustains some people.

▲ She gave people laugh a lot as a comedian.

However, Park Ji-sun passed away lately. Her father reported to the police because Park and her mother did not answer the phone of his contact. When he entered with the police, Park had already passed away with her mother. They assumed that they did an extreme choice. Her death gave a shock to everyone, and lots of TV programs are cherishing the memory of her.

▲ Unfortunately, She passed away on November 2th.

In South Korea, there are lots of suicide cases in recent years. Various people have their own reason, but there are always people who are willing to give them help. Sp. when you are sick and in difficulty, do not endure and ask for help from surrounding people or specified apparatus.

November 7th, 2020
By Yu Dong-hoon


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