The Importance of Dokdo Day대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-17 09:37:57

October 25 is Dokdo Day. King Gojong on October 25, 1900, as specified at the mechanism of Ulleundo to Dokdo islands in the Imperial edict No. 41 established in order to celebrate the day. Specify the Dokdo a guardian in 2000, private organizations started collecting signatures for the enactment date in 2005. Moreover, Dokdo is the main reason why there is a diplomatic dispute between South Korea and Japan.

In South Korea, they made Dokdo Day. However, in Japan, they made Takeshima Day. This problem was made because of the San Francisco Peace Treaty. In June 1946, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers regarded Dokdo as Korean territory. According to the San Francisco Peace Treaty signed in September 1951, Japan should return the Dokdo islands to South Korea.

▲ `Dokdo` territory of South Korea

Dokdo is very important to South Korea. It could give them lots of profits. It has a golden fishing ground where cold current and warm current meet. Plus, a repository of deep ocean water and microorganisms can be seen there, and the value of methane hydrates reaches 150 trillion won. Dokdo is very important because it has the geopolitical location of a strategically important location, and it is an astronomical base area with high scientific value as a base. Dokdo is the nation's oldest volcanic island. Because it is a place where cold currents and warm currents meet, so it is a good place to conduct geological research. moreover, there are lots of sources in Dokdo that can be developed into valuable resources.

▲ Economic benefits which Dokdo can give

South Korea should protect Dokdo. Dokdo has lots of benefits that can improve South Korea's economy. However, their articles that prove Dokdo is Japanese territory. Koreans should strongly object to it. The territories of each country should not be taken away from them. It is because territories have important roles in the development of a certain country.

By Woo-yeup Kim


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