South Korea‘s New Sun is Rising UP대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 03:02:55

   On May 8th, in the office of Moon Candidate's Election Campaigh, many people felt the same feeling. When the result of the votes was gradually revealed, one of the most nervous persons was Moon Jae-in. When the result finally came out he was very happy and thankful to the public for being elected as the president.
     Moon Jae-in is the best friend of Noo Mu-hyun, the former president. When he was alive, he said to the nation, "I am very proud to have my friend, a very trusted friend of mine, a younger friend of mine, whom I admire very much". He was elected as the president, he said, "I am going to continue Noo Mu-hyun's commitment that was not achieved".
     After Moon Jae-in became a president, he is now called President Moon Jae-in and pleaged to do what he had never done before. Also, he broke the border of the administration, the press, and the public. It is just a pare of the iceberg. He is different from Park, the former president. He breakes the wall between the president and the nation. He goes out toeat meal with the employments in Cheong Wa-dae, taking a picture with the public and many others. So, people say that he is a pled president.
     And, as the evidence of Moon Jae-in's kind work, one specializedinstuition had a survey. According to the survey released by the Korean Society of Opinion Research, 83.8 % of the respondents responded that the president performed well in the national affairs. That figure was more than twice as high as the actual election turnout of 41.1 %. Furthermore, President Moon vowed to actively communicate with the media and make major announcements through the mass media and not discriminate against them.
     Also, Moon Jae-in's political impetus candle protest against Park, the former president, is passed off in Gwanghwamun Gate and becomes an important place in communicatin with the public. He said that moving the main business building to Ganghwamun to communicate with the public is important. Also, he wants to keep his promise to the public that he will be a Gwanghwamun president. By following this work all presidential advisers will be able to actively talk to the governor and discuss the president's agenda freely.
     A very good president, knows how to communicate with people, and a pled president are what describe Moon Jae-in. With this, South korea's future will be bright.

                                                                                        June 3th, Lee Sang Min


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