Making Robot, Making Future대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-17 09:51:31

Robots are developing much faster than people thought a few years ago. Nowadays, robots can walk, and talk even drive a car. Because of this development, one job is also rising rapidly in our society, and that job's name is robot scientist.

Robot scientist is a job whose roles can be divided into three parts. People in this field usually make robots, develop components or technology which consist of robots, and fix and install robots to a place where people need them. An example of a robot scientist is Dennis Hong who made a robot named Darwin and established robot Laboratory whose name is RoMeLa.

▲ Robot `Darwin˝

Robot scientist's future is so bright. Career Net, a website which investigates and gives information about a job, says robot scientist will rise up until robot will stop developing. Also, the graph of the number of robot scientists is increasing.

There are a few degrees that can help you to became a robot scientist, such as mechanical engineering, ceramic engineering, and electronic engineering. Moreover, it would be if you have the ability in making robots or programming. Also, you must have a lot of interest in robots because studying it is very hard. In South Korea, the famous schools that train to be robot scientists are science high school and KAIST University. However, without those two, there are a lot of robotic schools.

▲ South Korea`s famous robotic school, `KAIST`

When the cars fly in the sky and people go to the universe for vacation, I strongly believe that robot scientists will change a lot of our future in many ways.

by Nam Guemin


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