Sequelae of Covid-19대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-17 09:57:01

"Bad luck! I am caught Covid-19. I should put on the mask every time and should not come out at the hospital. However, if I got cured, I would be more comfortable to live." Most people can think like this because young people are so healthy that Covid-19 is not scary. However, people misunderstood it. There are several symptoms of after-effects.

There are many kinds of Covid-19 after effects. Among them, most people agreed that difficult breathing and disorder lung function are the most important factors. Medical experts and the complete healer said that after the complete recovery of Covid-19, the after-effects occur.

▲ The After effects of the Actors` Covid-19

Covid-19 is very serious. There are several symptoms of its aftereffects. It has been reported after Covid-19 was completely cured. The treatment is only Covid-19 has ended, however, the aftereffects are known to be very serious after the treatment. There is a brain fog that few people have. Its meaning is that head is confused and foggy, unable to think or express clearly. This is a very serious symptom. Then, what should people do not to catch Covid-19?

First, wash your hands often. Use soap and water or alcohol and hand sanitizers and keep a safe distance from people who have a cough or sneeze. Second, wear a mask when the physical distance is impossible. Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with your dirty hands. Use toilet paper or bend your elbows to cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing. Finally, if you are not feeling well, take a rest at home, and if you have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, you should see a doctor.

▲ Covid-19 Guideline

It is very sick that you caught Covid-19. So, you should not be caught at first. It is good to follow all of the life-prevention rules. If you follow them, you may not catch Covid-19.

By Oh Seoung Hwan


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