Psychiatrist: Working with People대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-17 10:00:51

People who are old could easily get from dementia and other neurological disorders. Then, where do they go if they have neurological disorders like dementia? I believe the answer is going to a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist is a mental health specialist that diagnoses and helps patients with mental illness.

There are ways to be a psychiatrist. To be a psychiatrist requires a lot of things. It requires patient, strength, and mental strength. Basically, the grades of people who want to be a psychiatrist must be high. They must have an interest in people, especially older ones. They also need to be responsible. I believe the passion for giving help to other people is the most important ability.

▲ A psychiatrist cures her patient.

Being a psychiatrist is complicated. People who want to be a psychiatrist have to go through a lot of stages. Firstly, they should go through a six-year degree course in medicine. Second, they must pass the National Examination for Medical Practitioners. Third, they should have one-year internship. Lastly, they have to pass a four-year course in psychiatry. If they pass these four stages, they can become a professional psychiatrist.

▲ The psychiatrist is killed by his patient.

Moreover, a psychiatrist does many things. A psychiatrist usually diagnoses and treats patients with mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Also, he helps patients when they are in rehabilitation. On the other hand, a psychiatrist is also has a dangerous job. For an instance, a man was sentenced to 25 years in jail for killing a psychiatrist in a hospital last year. His crime gave unspeakable pain and shock to the bereaved family members, who have to suffer from the pain for the rest of their lives. Lastly, the annual income of a psychiatrist is 200 million won. The similar jobs of a psychiatrist are psychologists and psychotherapists.

To conclude, a psychiatrist helps diagnoses, and treats patients with mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. I believe it will become an in-demand job in the future because robots cannot treat mental disorders.

By KIm Kun Woo


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