The Influence of Vaccine대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-24 14:35:13

All over the world, people are curious about the coronavirus vaccine. Moreover, many people want to be safe from the coronavirus. However, many pharmaceutical companies have not developed a vaccine that is completely proven safe. Why can't they develop a safe vaccine easily?

First of all, coronavirus mutates. Because of this reason, many scientists cannot find a proper vaccine. Even if some companies make vaccines, the vaccines cannot be used a few months later. Moreover, there are some problems with the vaccine. Pfizer, a pharmaceutical company, developed a coronavirus vaccine on November 18. The company claimed that the vaccine's effectiveness is over 90 %. After that announcement, the company's stock price began to increase. In reality, the company sold 5.6 million dollars worth of stocks. Because of this, other companies' stock prices decreased including Korean companies. This change influenced many people's finance. If Pfizer's vaccine is proven to be not effective, the stock price will decrease rapidly. Also, it can cause a serious problem.

▲ Pfizer Succeeded to Make Vaccine

Although we want to get the vaccine, we should wait for a year. Moreover, some countries which are poorer than other countries will find it hard to buy the vaccine. So, many people should wait for a long time to get the vaccine. Furthermore, in South Korea, some people do not believe in the vaccine. A few months ago, about 100 people died after being vaccinated, And this incident made some people feel scared of the vaccine. In reality, 53.4 percent of old people are vaccinated. This figure is lower than the expectation. Like this, if the coronavirus vaccine is harmful to humans, many people are going to be reluctant to the vaccine. For this reason, the government should thoroughly check the safety of the vaccine.

Many people want the company to develop a proper vaccine for the coronavirus. Moreover, many companies are trying to make a vaccine. Even if there is a vaccine, the government should check the safety of these vaccines. Moreover, washing our hands and wearing a mask are the most important things that we should do to avoid the coronavirus.

▲ The Rule for Coronavirus

By Kim Yu-chan


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