Moon Jae-In orders scrapping of state textbooks대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 03:22:43

Moon Jae-in was elected for a presidential election. By becoming the president, he has done many good things until now. One of his pledges was to abolish government-designated textbooks. Then, he promised that he would abolish the history textbooks for the national history. By abolishing textbooks, he planned to settle a deep rooted evil that took office in nine years of Presidents Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye.

     As president Moon remained strongly against Park's education policies, he was willing to reform them one by one, including the shift from the controversial state-authored textbooks. Moon said that there were many problems on government-designated textbooks. First of all, the government-designated textbooks violated political impartiality. Second, the textbooks can be changed part of truth description methods according to the government. Finally, the history textbooks were outdated uniform education and caused division among people. Likewise, there are many problems on textbooks and still remain a deep rooted evil. Because there are many problems on history textbook, President Moon ordered a withdrawal of textbooks. By removing them bit by bit, he said that he could close an account of a deep rooted evil. 

     President Moon decided to dispose the textbooks for many reasons. By abolishing the history textbooks, he wanted to settle a deep rooted evil. According to the government, the textbooks can be changed to narrate part of truth differently. Then, the worst problem was that the government designated-textbooks were outdated uniform education and caused division among people. Also, former President Park's education policies remained still, so President Moon strongly remained education against President Park's education policies. As soon as he became the president, he ordered a withdrawal of history textbooks. Then, they are handling about them now.


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