Serving as a Surgeon대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-30 15:03:32

On July 9th, South Korea's government decided to increase the number of doctors by adding 4000 doctors for ten years, which is 400 doctors for a year. This is because doctors are all in the capital city, Seoul. However, many organizations are opposed to it. So the doctor has become one of the most controversial jobs in South Korea.

▲ images from Rasmussen College

A surgeon is the kind of doctor who performs surgery. they operate people with illness, injury, or disease. They can remove diseased tissues or organs, repair body systems, and replace diseased organs with transplants. They work primarily in the operating room, however, it is also common for them to meet with patients. Their surgical procedures are very complicated even though these only take just a few minutes. The average salary of surgeons is about $255,110 per year, and the number of surgeons has grown to 14 percent comparing to last year. Also, the satisfaction of this job is very high. To be a surgeon, you should have a bachelor's degree after graduating from high school. Then, you should pass the medical college admission test and get the national surgeon license. In the interview of a general surgeon, he said that dealing with insurance companies and Medicare is one of the biggest disadvantages after being a surgeon.

▲ images from iStock

Getting the national surgeon's license is very difficult for many people who want to be a surgeon, however, it is becoming one of the most important and essential jobs in the world. Today, doctors all around the world are getting together to help to stop the COVID-19 virus. It is a hard job that has many procedures. However, becoming a surgeon and saving a person's life is a royal thing that a person can do.

By Jeon Seung Hyun


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