Climate Change대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-30 15:07:10

Have you ever heard the news about climate change and Earth's average temperature is getting higher? Maybe you think climate change is not very serious to humans. However, changing Earth's average temperature can lead us to collapse in the future. There are various kinds of problems which are caused by climate change and our effort to prevent this.

▲ The Changing Climate

First, you may not think seriously about Earth's average temperature rises only one degree. However, according to many pieces of research, if Earth's average temperature rises to one degree, 30 percent of species will extinct. Also, if many animals extinct, we may have difficulty obtaining food. It can become a humans' end. Also, the ice of the Arctic and Antarctica can melt, too. If big glaciers melt, the cities which are in the lowland such as Miami, Cairo, Buenos Aires, London, all Netherlands, and Shanghai will sink under the water. Another problem is the drought. The average temperature gets higher, the drought will occur more. Then, because of dry land and farmland, farmers cannot farm. It will lead us to a shortage of food.

▲ The glaciers are melting.

There are not only terrible problems but also global efforts to prevent climate change. In 1997, many countries made the Kyoto Protocol reduce carbon dioxide emission. Also, there are the climate change convention, Montreal Protocol, and the Paris agreement. They are all global treatment to solve this problem. Nevertheless, it needs our effort, too. To solve this problem, we need to use LED light instead of the lamp tube and pull the plug which we do not use out. Moreover, we should use a bicycle not a car if we go to a near place. Lastly, we have to reduce eating meat.

Climate change becomes a serious problem in our society nowadays. Although many countries try to prevent this, we should try to prevent this with our effort, too.

By Gwack Yuchan


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