The New AI System: \"Clova\"대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 03:28:28

        The New AI System: "Clova"

     Naver developed the new AI, "Clova". Clova is an abbreviation of Cloud Virtual Assistant, and it is an application which takes a role of a secretary. Naver and LINE cooperated to create this application. We can use it by downloading the application.


    There are many AI secretaries such as Siri and Samsung Bixby. So, Clova has some specialized skills. First, Clova recommends us some songs. Naver has an application, Naver Music, so it links with the application, so it can recommend music immediately.
    Other thing is free talking. Unlike other AI secretary services, Naver Clova has a function for free talking. There is no error about free talking. We can talk about not only our usual conversation but also various themes.
    The last one is translation. Naver Clova application can translate Chinese, Japanese, and many other languages. These are some specialized technologies from other AI services.
     Comparing with Siri, Siri introduces soemthing what we have demanded with more details than Clova which just introduce briefly. However, about South Korea, Clova has more information than Siri.
     There are some differences between Samsung Bixby and Clova, too. Samsung Bixby is an application which is downloaded before we use a Samsung smartphone. So, if we just call Bixby, the application is carried out. However, for Clova, we have to press the application to carry out.
     Because Clova is a Beta version, there are some errors, too. We cannot approach the smartphone's inner service like turning on the WiFi or Bluetooth. If we demand it, Clova will notify that they are preparing the service.
     Yet, Clova is a Beta verison so the problem can be fixed easily and develop much more things by linking other Naver's application. At this aspect, Clova has a bring future.


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