Working as a Diplomat 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-30 15:25:36
  • 수정 2020-11-30 15:26:06

Recently, we have faced a big collide. That is the invisible fight between America and China. In this situation, we have to figure out the circumstance of the world and solve this problem for our country. In this part, the most important thing is diplomacy. The works of diplomats require a broad range of abilities.

▲ Diplomatic discourse of Korean diplomatic minister with diplomat of another country

The role of the diplomat is important for our country. There are four major works of a diplomat. The first one is diplomacy for national security. It refers to the means of national security, establishing an alliance for national security, and securing cooperation. For example, America and South Korea had a negotiation in 1950. That is the most popular case of diplomacy for national security. The second thing is trade diplomacy. That means that for example, some groups go to Africa or Europe and spread our culture and skill. The fourth diplomacy is consular diplomacy. This is the general role that we think.

▲ South Korea–United States alliance

The process of being a diplomat is very complicated and hard to study. The test of the foreign service examination consists of three tests. The first test is general diplomacy. The next is the test of professional diplomats. To pass the test, we need specific qualifications. The primary test consists of the test of PSAT, constitution English, history, and second foreign language. The second tests are major tests and essay tests. The last thing is the interview. After passing these tests, you will be a diplomat in South Korea.

The prospect of a diplomat has two aspects. The positive aspect is that compared to other jobs, is wage is higher. It requires expertise and has a high degree of work autonomy or authority. However, the negative aspects include are job growth which is very limited, and is competition for entry is high. Then, the working hours are somewhat longer than the average and very irregular. It also gives severe mental stress. If someone wants to be a diplomat, then you had better refer to this essay.

By Woojin Park


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