The Career Experience in Sinjeong Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-30 15:29:07

There was an event called career experience in Sinjeong Middle School. Many students enjoyed it. A career experience means that school teachers and outside lectures help students in choosing their careers. So, in each class in Sinjeong Middle School, students learned different things. In my class, class eight of first graders, students learned how to make pop art.

▲ career experience

First, students got a picture that has no color. The picture is placed at the center of the paper. Next, they drew an expression of a ghost and drew it again with the use of a thick pen. Third, they painted the background of the picture with acrylic paint. There was a caution made by a lecturer that says be careful in using the acrylic paint. It was because it can stain their clothes. Fourth, they painted a ghost with acrylic paint. They wanted to paint a ghost with the color white, so they did. Fifth, they painted the background and the ghost again because the lecturer said that pop art should be clear and thick. So, students did the work again. Sixth, they followed the ghost line with the thick pen again. Finally, they dried the picture and wrote their names on it, and it was finished.

▲ pop art

Seo In Kim, a student of Sinjeong Middle School, said, that after they finished their output, she was satisfied with it. She added that it was really interesting. Another student, Jae Kyung Lee, said that there was no difficulty in the procedure of making pop art, but someone could do any mistake because it needs careful attention. Another student said that it was a really interesting to work, but he does not think it was helpful because they only made pop art. It was a limited topic.

Many students estimated that it was an interesting experience, but they answered it was not actually helpful to their career.

By Hye Ji Seo


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