Chilling Halloween Event대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-30 15:32:40

▲ This is the picture of Halloween Pumpkin.
Do you know anything about Halloween? People might think that is the day which is scary, and they can get lots of candies if they say "Trick or Treat". Only some people might know about the origin and the details of it through learning or participating in Halloween events. There is a very interesting event about Halloween. Through this event, children might learn the details of Halloween. This event is Ossak Ossak Halloween, which is called Chilling Halloween in English.

▲ This is the picture of people who are wearing scary costumes

You can learn the origin of Halloween through Chilling Halloween. It came from Celts around the fifth century B.C. Celts believed that the beginning of the year is November 1st, and October 31st is the day spirits and witches appear. So, they wore the scary costume to kick them out, and it is the origin of Halloween. Moreover, the Chilling Halloween event is held on October 31st, and it is held in the multipurpose room of Maegok library which is located in Ulsan, South Korea. This is an event for all elementary students.

Moreover, Chilling Halloween is held twice, each other. The first part of the event usually starts at 13:00, and it ends at 14:20. It is about making Halloween icing cookies. The second part of the event usually starts at 14:30, and it ends at 15:20. It is about making a Halloween monster cupcake. They are similar to the points of learning the origin of Halloween and reading books about Halloween before the participants make some things which are mentioned above. The only difference is the things that the participants make other things with each other. Each program's participants are limited to 10 people. A student who participated in that event said that the event had helped him a lot, and he learned about the origin of Halloween.

In conclusion, Chilling Halloween is a good event that encourages children to read more books. Moreover, this is a good chance to learn about Halloween. What about letting your children participate in this program next time?

By Kim Tae Heon


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