To Be a Diplomat대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-30 15:37:26

These days, many students want to be a diplomat. It is because diplomats are visiting all over the world not only to introduce our country but also to solve problems between countries.

Diplomats represent our country and increase friendly cooperation between countries. Due to diplomats, we can trade with foreign companies and the specialty products of the other countries. These things make our economic status revive. Moreover, they collect information about all countries of the world to emulate each other's advantages. and to understand each other's culture. Then, they defend our citizens who live in other countries to support convenience and to reinforce their safety. Lastly, diplomats introduce our country to others.

▲ ( naver. blog. diplomat)

In the interview of Kang Kyong Hwa, who is the minister for foreign affairs, she said that she lived in America when she was young. She studied English hard, and she practiced it being an English teacher in America. Then, she went back to South Korea, and she studied to be a diplomat. Now, she works as a special assistant for policy, and she is appointed as a minister for foreign affairs during President Moon Jae-in's administration. Then, she devotes herself to the minister of diplomacy for our country. Recently, the spread of a new coronavirus called COVID-19 is getting worse, and the countries' diplomats discuss how to cope with this problem. Also, the people can see in the news that Minister Kang Kyong Hwa talks about how to respond to this problem.

▲ (photo news. Kang Kyong Hwa minister)

Then, how to be a diplomat? To be a diplomat, first, we have to undergo a primary examination. This examination is about constitutional law, PSAT, history, English test, and second foreign language. The next one is the secondary examination. This examination is about the science of international politics, international law, and economics. The last one is the interview. The interview is intended to test the ability of one's English speaking will give a big help for the interview.

If you want to be a diplomat, entering in a foreign language high school will be a good chance for you to learn other languages and also cultural background. Students who want to be a diplomat should study Korean history and the way of speaking English naturally. Just try it for your dream!

By Kang Borim


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