Oesol Hangul Hanmadang Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-30 15:42:01

Have you ever gone to a Hangul festival? As you know, Hangul is our own language. We use Hangul every day. In Ulsan, there is a festival that commemorates our language. We call this festival Oesol Hangul Hanmadang Festival. This festival is held every year during the first weekend of October, and we can enjoy the festival in Oesol Memorial Hall and Ulsan Cultural Street.

▲ children celebrate Memorial day

Oesol Hangul Hanmadang Festival is held to remember Hyeon Bae Choe who devoted his life in dissemination and research of Hangul. So, everybody can participate in this festival. This festival is hosted by UBC broadcasting and supported by the Ulsasn Education Office and Ministry of Culture. So, people can know that this scale is big, people can do a variety of things and enjoy many events and activities in there.

There are lots of events and activities during the festival. Moreover, there are some of them that are popular such as the International Poster Exhibition, Hangul Writing Contest, and Korea Testing Contest. In the International Poster Exhibition, people can see many posters exhibition. Moreover, people can make a posture themselves and exhibit it. In Hangul Writing Contest, people write and draw anything about Hangul, and other people determine the ranking. Finally, Korea Testing Contest is a contest where people are given a sentence for them to write in Korean, and they should do it faster than anyone else. The person who writes the sentence first will win the prize in this event. Since these events and activities are held, the Oesol Hangul Hanmadang Festival has been more enjoyable.

▲ people watch the art work

After the festival is held, people's reviews about the Oesol Hangul Hanmadang Festival are generally great, and they said that through this festival, they can learn about the importance and preciousness of Hangul. The Oesol Hangul Hanmadang Festival maybe not familiar to a lot of people. However, it is not bad to go to this festival and enjoy it.

By Hye Jeong Yun


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