The great achievement of VANK대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-30 15:55:36

VANK means Voluntary Agency Network of Korea that strives to know Korea to the world. It not only introduces Korea by making Korean promotional materials but also corrects the wrong information about Korea. It has worked since 1999 and has achieved various achievements in 2020. Among them, I will introduce the drone software company 'Airmap' error correction of VANK.

Airmap is giving wrong information that ‘If you want to launch a drone in Dokdo, you must get permission from both Korea and Japan governments.’. So on September 16, Vank sent a letter that ‘Dokdo is the territory of Korea. So you only must get permission from the Korean government, and don't have to get permission from the Japanese government.' Airmap customer service representative gave an answer that 'We understands that it is causing confusion. We will try to eliminate the recommendation.' However, even after a month, the error was not corrected, then VANK demanded that the error be corrected quickly. And finally, on November 18, they rectified Dokdo to the Korea flight area.

▲ It was written as`Japan`s drone flight area` (source: VANK)
▲ Dokdo error information has been corrected (source: VANK)

This activity of VANK became a great activity that let people who use Airmap around the world know that Dokdo is the territory of Korea. Also on last October, VANK rectified the notation of WHO of Dokdo and Ulleungdo to Korea from Japan. Currently, they are pushing away with requiring to rectify CIA's notation of Takeshima to Dokdo. I will finish the article cheering for VANK's future activities.


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