Celebrities Uplifting South Korea-People who might be real patriots대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-26 15:53:17

These days, South Korea has become more known in the world. It is because a lot of people are uplifting the name of South Korea to the whole world, but Korean celebrities have a great influence on this successful result. Korean celebrities who have a big influence on uplifting the name of South Korea to the world are such as BTS, a soccer player, Son Heung-min, and a movie director, Bong Joon-ho. These people are all famous celebrities and are widely known. Their achievements are amazing, and a lot of people are enthusiastic about them.

First, BTS is very famous not only in South Korea but also in other countries around the world. According to Billboard Hot 100 on September 5th, 2020, their song "Dynamite" ranked first place. They are the first Korean artist who ranked first on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. This achievement is BTS's representative one. Moreover, there are a lot of records that only BTS has made.

▲BTS in "Dynamite" music video set

Second, Son Heung-min is especially famous in Europe because he is a soccer player of England's Premier League's team, Tottenham Hotspur. He has recorded amazing goals, and he assists in the European soccer league. According to the Premier League homepage, Son Heung-min won the best player of October in the Premier League 2020. This achievement is Son Heung-min's latest one. He also ranked first place in the Premier League goal ranking.

▲Son Heung-Min scoring in EPL match

Third, Bong Joon-ho became a superstar in the world as a movie director. There were a lot of great movie directors in South Korea. However, there was no person who won a prize in the Academy Awards. On February 0th, 2020, Bong Joon-ho won four prizes in the Academy Awards, as the first Korean movie director. His movie "Parasite" was highly evaluated by a lot of people, so it won four prizes. The movie was also the first Korean movie which won a prize in the Academy Awards. Moreover, " Parasite " was the first non-English movie that won the Academy Awards. There are a lot of meaningful elements in Bong Joon-ho's movie " Parasite " so it won four prizes.

▲Bong Joon-ho winning prizes in Academy Awards

Not only these three celebrities but also there are a lot of people who uplift the name of South Korea. Because of these people, South Korea has become more famous in the whole world. We should try to keep advertising South Korea to the world and make South Korea a more developed country.


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