Let‘s know about the Teachers대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-12-11 16:06:38

▲ This picture shows that the teacher teaches the students.

Do you know about the middle school teacher? The middle school teacher should be happy and moral. Also, they should make students study hard. Some people know that the work of a middle teacher can teach all subjects. However, I know that the work of a teacher needs a good mind.

Teachers usually teach students. However, when the students go to the special high school, they write a letter of self-introduction. Also, the middle school has a subject teacher, unlike elementary school. It is because the middle school subjects are very hard unlike the elementary subjects.

Second, teachers need to be nice to students. Also, each subject teacher should have good teaching ability. In other words, each student-teacher is different. If you are a math teacher, you should be good at teaching this subject. Also, if you are a social teacher, you should have a unique ability in teaching middle school. Next, the teacher's advantage has a stable and consistent monthly.

▲ This picture shows that the teacher counsels with the student.

Finally, we had an interview with a common person and a teacher. The common person asked about the advantage and disadvantages of being a teacher. The teacher said that the advantage is more secure than the other job. However, the disadvantage is very tiring. Even, we sometimes cannot sleep during the night. When the students go to a special purpose in high school, they must write a letter of self-introduction. So, we must check a letter of self-introduction. Also, special-purpose high school students should prepare for the interview. The common person said that the teacher is very tiring. job. However, the teacher said that "the student's record leaves until they die. To add the student's record can affect when they get a job in the company. In other words, the student record is very important. Additionally, the teachers should do humanity guidance and prepare to interview them.

To conclude, I believe that the teacher is a very tiring job because of the student record and a letter of self-introduction. Even, the teachers should do humanity guidance. I know about the teacher's knowledge.

By Park Hyun-woo


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